Friday, May 14, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

Hey everyone so it's a Friday!!! Woop woop! Hurray! Well here is something else to make your happy(: A review from yours truly. Yes I painted my nails these colors throughout the day(: Hope you enjoy!

I'm just assuming that everyone has heard of the movie 'Alice in Wonderland." You must have been living under a rock to not know what the movie is. There are two main movie 'Alice in Wonderlands' that I know. First is the classic Disney version. The other one is the fairly new real movie. It isn't animated, hens 'real' movie.

*Don't worry Alice in Wonderland is very relevant to blog*

Also I am assuming everyone knows what OPI the nail polish company is. They are,if you are unaware, a company that makes almost every color nail polish you could possibly imagine. They have light pinks, greens, reds, blues, and other colors. They have bright purples, oranges, yellows, pinks and so forth. I love OPI and all my nail polish aside from about seven are OPI.

When I buy OPI I like to buy in collection or bulk. Unless I only need one. Keyword Need(: Right now i am obsessive over the 'Alice in Wonderland' collection. Which is why I brought up Alice in wonderland in the first place(: When I first heard about the collection of course I googled it. I also saw some famous people wearing it and just decided I needed this collection. So I waited forever for my local stores to come out with it.

Finally my day came. I saw all four colors. Look down for all colors(:

In order from left to right the colors are as follows

(Off with her Red, Mad as a Hatter, Absolutely Alice, and Thanks so Muchness)

I personally love these colors. I wanted to do pictures on all of the colors but unfortunately when I went to paint my nails with 'Off with her Red' there was no more color left. So you will be stuck with only three colors.

~Off with her Red~

What just because I don't have a picture means I won't blog about it?! NOPE! That won't stop me(: So 'Off with her Red' is a matte dark/light red. The darkness/lightness of it is hard to explain. All I can say is it isn't to dark and isn't to red. The perfect combination. So that is all I can offer with this color): So sorry. Just google it(:

This color is 'Mad as a Hatter.' It is my favorite. Which is why I have yet to run out. It is a purple with a million different colored sparks that perfectly match the purple. This color works well with a lot of different things(: I like to wear it with a dark purple tank and a light color sweater. That is my outfit for this. I like to really mix it up. This color is hard to apply even and harder to remove. But I still love it to death(:

Next is 'Absolutely Alice." It's a bright blue...if you couldn't tell(; Lol ok so back on topic! It is a bright blue. I like to wear it when I wear my sweat pants(: It completes my outfit. I really have nothing else to say about the color. Also it's very hard to remove!


Yup this is the last color! It's thanks so muchness. If you are wondering in the movie Hatter says Alice you've lost your muchness(: Reference that! JK I like this color because it's more shimmery than Off with her Red(: I like it when I go out at night in like a black or dark purple dress. I only use this for either school work or at a party. Thats why I have a lot left to use. As with any red color this is also difficult to get off(:

Well now you have my opinion!! What do you think?! Please comment(:


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Me as a person, I love nail polish. I personally love anything colorful. My outfits pretty much always match my nails. I try to match my nail polish to my outfits of the week I am wearing these nail polish's. I have quite a collection, I must say...I have a lot! And so the whole point of this blog you may be asking? Well I am going to tell and even show you some of my favorite colors!

Now I have alot of nail polishes and I want to go through and name them all, and show you the colors on me but I honestly don't wanna have to go through twenty something nail polish colors.

Yes All my nail polish is by OPI. I am obsessive over OPI <3

I have just about all of these. I will name all the ones I own from this picture. I'm going to tell you the 'coordinates' of the nail polish I am talking about. Example coordinates would be (1,1) That would be the coordinates for the bright yellow polish "need sunglasses". For the coordinates you simply take the first number and go over that many columns and then go down with the second number.If there is a 0 in the set of numbers you don't go across or down depending on what number it is. Comment if you don't get it. -->Good grief thats a lot of work!

Ok the here is the list of all the colors on that chart that I own!

Do you Lilac is? - (2,0)
You are a Pizza Work - (4,0)
Pink from the Classic Collection - (8,0)
Need Sunglasses - (1,1)
Get me to the Taj on Time (7,2)
Goldilocks rocks - (8,2)
Cajun Shrimp - (9,2)
Indi-a Mood for Love - (3,3)
Sonic Bloom - (8,3)
Just Groovy - (3,5)
My private Jet - (4,5)
All that Razz-Berry - (6,5)
Royal Flush Blush - (8,5)

I want to do a separate blog for all of the separate collections that I own. So hopefully that goes over well. I wanted to also fill you in on something else. It is one of those things of the moment. Right now I am speaking about my 'music of the moment'. My music of the moment is by Paramore. It is called "The only exception." I love the song. Ok and now you are updated!!

Leave a comment telling me your favorite nail polish, whether is be by OPI or any other nail company!!!!

Love ya, Bye


Saturday, May 1, 2010

My failed attempt at playing paddle ball!

Hey! Ok so anyone who has ever met me has known this to be a fact true: I stink at anything and pretty much everything besides volleyball(I will write a blog soon about how I fail at volleyball sometimes:) Back on subject! I fail at video games and basketball and tennis and karate. Yes I have done all of these sports! Actually I have done more than that!

Well my story starts around 11 this morning. My mom had woken up around 9 and had started doing loads of laundry. She completed two loads. She got some tea and and a magazine and put on HGTV while waiting for the load in the dryer to finish. She liked to take this 30 minutes to watch her favorite show on HGTV 'Curb Appeal.' So she is sitting and I am cleaing up my dishes from when I made breakfast for myself, I was cleaning and enjoying a serene day. Everyone in my household was. My brother and dad were playing golf and they have yet to return.

Now a little fun fact about myself. I am perfectly at ease doing a little cleanup here and there. But I despise Spring cleaning. So I was perfectly at ease doing my dishes.

Now it was around noon and I was getting pretty hungry! So I put in some BBQ chicken for my mom and myself. My mom was folding laundry and told me to sort through camerons clothing and mine. So I went into my room collected all my clothes and put them in the proper whites and colors baskets in the mud/laundry room. I found myself with a situation. My brothers room was a total disaster area. He had a lot of work to d over the week so he was able to skip out cleaning his room! I knew finding ALL of the dirty clothes would take me forever!

So I went into Cam's room optomistic, hoping maybe he got some cleaning in. Oh he sure did...he made his bed and put away all his little trinkets and toys just laying around. BUT of course he didn't put his clothes in his hamper. It took me 15 minutes to make sure I had all of his clothes. I then used another fifteen minutes seperating the clothes.

This part of my story is boring :/ So I am doing laundrey and putting everything in the wash and finishing up. I get a glass of water and sit down at the computer to right this blog....

Now I walk in put my glass down on a coaster and then I see it...the game I fail at more than any other game on the planet!!! Paddle Ball! Now me being me I reach over knowing I would get frustrated when I couldn't play it right, well I attempted playing. After that I had ice for my eye. Yes i whacked myself right smack in my right eye! Yes a clutz!

Now I was mad, I wanted so badly to play. I picked up the paddle and tried again. Another epic fail. This went on for about thirty minutes! Yea a long time to play a stupid game but hey, I was determined! My goal was to keep it up at least five times...

I have yet to accomplish that goal):

i finally gave up about fifteen minutes later when my mom calls me out to help with laundrey. I helped her fold laundrey and now I am writting this blog, I wanted to write this to say that first and formost: I suck at paddle ball. And second that I like being able to share my pathetic attemps to be 'athletcic'(if that's what you want to call paddle ball.)

Well that's what I have to say(:
Hope this cheers up your day(:


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Last Ugly Betty?!?!

This blog came about with me sitting on the couch watching Ugly Betty-The Final Episode!!!!!. And for anyone who knows me, they know that I can not sit and watch TV and NOT be multitasking so yea...

So as I said above(: I love Ugly Betty. It did loose a lot of viewers but I love it to death. I think it portrays a message in a way. Obviously its about a war, so to speak, but besides the backstabbing, evilness of some of the characters it has a good message.

I mean think about it, a girl who wanted to be a journalist, who at the time was a total nobody. Well this girl, Betty, comes to a top magazine and gets a job. And against all odds she makes it. I think that it portrays that you can do anything you want to. And I am a total believer in the fact that if you put your mind to do something you can accomplish anything in the world.

~You have to watch at least some seasons to get what is going on!~
So Betty does take the job in London): Sad right?!?! Yea well also Amanda finds her dad and her dog dies. Hilda marries and moves out. And Justin comes out!!! He totally shows his gay colors, as mean as it sounds it is very true. I mean no rudeness to any gay out there. But it felt right to say. Now when Betty does go to London Daniel follows her. Yea cute right?! And they make a dinner date(: The beginning of a relationship(:

I think the show was good when it was on and it ended and I am happy. So I feel they ended it correctly. Now don't go assuming that I won't miss the show,I can assure I will. And so I am happy and sad in a way of ending and ending correctly(:

Thanks for forever

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ok so maybe I lied

Maybe this isn't such a beauty blog but who cares?! I don't I am watching hercules and was hoping you wouldn't mind if I made my blog two lines long(:

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sebastian Shaper Plus

My blog is focused on beauty, though it may not seem like it, it is focused off my YouTube channel. Now most of my blogs so far are not beauty related at all, I am trying to get beauty blogs out.

Right next to these words is a picture of my new favorite hairspray ever. I will never go back to any other hairspray. If you can't see the picture very well it is called Sebastian Shaper Plus. This hairspray is by far the best hairspray I have ever personally used. I love it to death and I will do a comparison to regular hairspray. Now most of us are familiar with the fact that hairspray has a little paragraph on it on the back, so here it is.

It's performance on command. With a unique resin system, Shaper Plus provides 24-hour control that's never stiff or sticky, and holds up in high humidity. This original, touchable strong hold is the professional's choice, delivering amazing style, immediate action, and great results. Shape your hair ith extra hold and control with Shaper Plus, the name behind the look.

This paragraph is followed by warning signs and different uses for the hair product.

Now I have to agree with all of that because I have personally used this product. The only thing about this product description that they leave out, for obvious reasons, is that when you first apply this product it is sticky on your hair. I have found that gingerly shaking your hair will dry the product. I fell as though the description is accurate and correct, and if I ever was a hair stylist I would swear by it.

By using this product I have found some cons to it. First and foremost it is expensive. If you are intent on curling your hair often than this is good, or if you style your hair more extravagant than normal. But if you are one to rarely use hairspray than I don't recommend this for you. The prices can range anywhere from 18 dollars up to 30 dollars. Something I love about this hairspray is that it comes in a travel size.

There are many things that I perfer about this hairspray versus any regular hairspray. First and Foremost is the fact that your hair does not harden. In most hair-sprays your turns rock hard. With Sebastian Shaper your hair is very free. It holds very well, it is also a superhero for anyone who has hair that won't stay with humidity. This is like a cover for your hair to help with humidity.

I'm pretty sure that now that you are finishing this you can be pretty sure that I am very pro-sebastian. I hope this helps you with your next hairspray purchase(:

Love forever and always,

Your blogger(with a new AirWick air fresherner) Maddy<3>

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hey! So I wanted to talk about one of my passions. So here it goes. Most of my friends don't know that Photoshop is a HUGE passion of mine. I like it because I can express my feelings in a way words can't describe. Also I lack hugely in any sort of artistic ability and this makes me feel very artistic(: I love photo editing and feel as though it helps me to be myself. As you can tell there are a few edits at the top. They mean alot to me that I can edit them and have my feeling expressed. So comment(:

Thanks from your editing babe,